Scrolls of Icaria Wiki

Welcome to the Scrolls of Icaria Wiki

The Scrolls of Icaria is a wonderful epic fantasy, stretching across a galaxy over millennia.

This is a fansite. It has no relationship to the author. The creator of the site devoutly prays that the author will not disapprove.

Warning: Spoilers will abound! AYOR.

Please click here to view the Map of Icarian World.

NB: An example of citation format: Book One, Part III, Chapter 32 is cited 1.III.32.

Occasionally, I have cited a Kindle location. I copied each Book into a separate file, and loaded these into my Kindle.

Featured pages: Chapter titles; Précis of the history of Altinestra;

Glossary; Maps; Lists; Entertainment

Charles; Sarjanus and Sarjanism; Eagles Rock.

A note on structure:

The structure of The Scrolls of Icaria, is peculiar. It consists of two what I call Portions:

Portion A is all of Book 1 and Part 1 of Book 2, excepting Interlude the Fifth, Gold. Except for the interludes and 1.IV.47 "The abbey taken. Jonathan freed" to 13875 (which is omniscient third-person narrative), all of this is first-person narrative with Jamie as the POV. This probably reflects Jamie's recovering his memory from Charlie in 2.I.12 4650.

Portion B is the balance of Book 2. All of this is omniscient third-person narrative.

This seeming pedantry is important because Portion B is a prequel to Portion A, having taken place some 2500 years earlier.

For information about small-scale prequels and suchlike, please see Structure detail notes.

This is a work in progress. Your forbearance, and if possible your help, would be greatly appreciated.

Scrolls of icaria 01